
Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Perfect Person

Authors Note:When I started  writing this piece I had a difficult
time figuring out how to start my entry. However once I got started
it wasn't as hard the farther I got.
     Every year on Christmas Eve I await the chance to get a ride on Santa’s sleigh, and belong to someone. Some of the children that Santa delivers to are too young to receive me, while others are too old for me. But finally this year Santa found the perfect person to receive a cell phone like me.

         While Santa and I thought he picked out the perfect person for me, I immediately  started having second thoughts when I saw what was on the kitchen counter. At first when I saw it I wasn’t sure if I was just seeing things, but as I approached I saw more clearly. A different cell phone was lying on the counter, and it had a cracked screen! All of a sudden I didn’t want to be here, or to belong to anyone, but I realized when Santa placed me in the stocking that i was stuck with whoever lived in this house.
         Since I was stuck in the mystery person that lived here, I decided to look around and try and see what I could find out about them. However as I was scanning the living room I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. As I looked over I saw the girl that I was going to belong to, but also the girl that cracked the screen of her last phone. I was never more nervous in my life.

         I was so nervous that I didn’t have time to notice how gently she lifted me out of the stocking. Nervousness took over me as she turned me on. All of sudden I realized she was the perfect person for me, not too old or young but just right.


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