
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Authors Note- While writing trhis essay I had a reallly hard time
finding the right idea to focus on. In the book Breaking Dawn
lots of different thing happen, but one thing that I kept
being reminded of while reading was how the connection between
Bella and Renesemee, which made it a good idea for a writing piece.
I also struggeled with the title, whatever title I would think of would sound
cheesy so I just decided on the first one that came to mind.

            I tried to comprehend, through the film of tears blinding me, the surreal fact that this amazing person was mine.” Stephanie Meyer, author of Breaking Dawn really emphasizes the instant connection and devotion that Bella felt with her daughter Renesemee. She really accomplishes getting the point across that Bella would do anything to protect her daughter, even if it it cost her own life.

             Even before Renesemee was born, or her and Bella had even met, Bella was putting her life in danger. The longer Renesemee stayed in Bella the more pain and danger she was put through. However not once did Bella ask for a doctor or for medicine, even when she had 3 broken ribs, or was forced to drink blood to survive. The only thing that mattered to Bella was that her baby be born safely.

           However Bella didn’t know that even after Renesemee was born she would have to fight to protect her daughter, and that she would be protecting her daughter from herself. The moment that Bella became immortal, she was unable to control herself around blood, especially Renesemee’s blood. It took lots of practice for Bella to be able to see her daughter for the first time.

            Ever since the first time Bella saw Renesemee she had always worried for her child’s safety. However at first she thought the only thing she would have to protect Renesemee from was herself. Little did she know that a treacherous force would be after her and her daughter. The Volturi, the largest group of vampires, had the supplies and numbers to destroy whatever they wanted. When Renesemee became a target to the Volturi Bella did whatever it took to defend her.

             Bella was able to prevent the Volturi from getting to her daughter, using everything she had, and was willing to do whatever it took. While reading Breaking Dawn I was constantly reminded how Bella would do anything for Renesemee. Stephanie Meyer made it clear throughout the entire novel that mothers and daughters share an instant connection filled with love and devotion even before they meet, that lasts a lifetime. 

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