
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Midnight Sun - Figurative Language Response

Authors Note- This is a list and analysis to respond to the figurative language, and how if affects the book Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer. 

Figurative Language from Midnight Sun 
1. Her scent hit me like a wrecking ball, like a battering ram. - (page 97) this is a simile because it contains like in it and is comparing two things. 

2. No trace of the shreds of humanity I'd managed to cloak myself in remained. (page 108) this is an example of a metaphor because it is comparing two things without using like or as. 

3. The road flew away beneath my tires. (page 99)This is a metaphor because it compares two things and doesn't have like or as in it. 

4. the tiny pieces of ice felt like velvet under my skin. (page 129) This is another example of a simile because it has like in it and is used to compare two things. 

5. I tried to steer the conversation back to trite paths-(page 102) personification since the conversation isn't a living thing and you can't steer the conversation anywhere. 

6.It scared me to death thinking she wasn't by my side. (page 99) This is an example of a hyperbole because it overexagerates something. 

7. I was caught off guard (page 111)- personification because there isn't a physical guard, that was guarding something. 

8. "ahhhh!"(page 99) this is an onomatopoeia because it sounds like the action taking place.  

9. "umph" (page 125) this is an onomatopoeia because it sounds like the action taking place.

10. it burned like acid to watch my word hurt her. (page 133)this is an example of a simile because is has like in it. and is comparing two things. 

11. Her deep, mysterious eyes glanced back(page 100) - this is a personification because eyes can't physically be deep and mysterious. 

12. Her anger was as endearing as a furious kitten. (page 102)This is an example of a simile because it had as in it and is comparing two things. 

13. She held her racket as if it was some kind of weapon. (page page 120) This is an example of a simile because it contains as in it and is comparing two things. 

14.  The monster inside of me was stabbing my throat with every breath I took.(page 93) This is an example of a personification because there isn't a physical monster stabbing Edward's throat. 

15. "I listened to the spike in her heartbeat."( page 165) This is an example of a personification because there isn't a physical spike in Bella's heartbeat.

Throughout the book Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer, many different examples of imagery are displayed. Many similes and metaphors such as "her scent hit me like a wrecking ball, like a battering ram", "she held her racket as if it was some kind of weapon",and "as endearing as a furious kitten" are used to add effect and a better, more interesting description of the situation. Without it, the book would loose effect and the reader would get bored. Along with using similes and metaphors Stephanie Meyer also includes lots of personifications like "the monster inside of me was stabbing my throat with every breath I took", " her deep, mysterious eyes" and "I tried to steer the conversation back on course" are used help better the readers interpretation in the story, and to make it more interesting. You can also find examples of onomatopoeia's like "ahhhh", umphh" or hyperboles like "You almost scared me to death!" All of these are also helpful and keen to the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the book. Without these, it would be hard for the reader to connect and relate with the character and they would soon lose interest. All of the metaphors, similes, personifications and other examples of figurative language in this book helped create imagery and expression throughout this book, making it better. 

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