
Friday, October 7, 2011

Dogs or Cats?

   Authors     Note:
This essay is about pets. The main question is which pet is better

between dogs and cats.


          Dogs and cats were voted the two best pets on a survey taken by my sixth grade class. Cats can be great pets, I know because I've had two cats of my own but dogs are way better than cats. Dogs are man’s best friend, they are compatible, loving and the best pet to have, clearly better than cats.

         Dogs are there the second you walk in the door waiting for you to pet them, while cats are shyer and can be hard to find. If you're having a bad day, you will always be able to count on your dog to cheer you up. One of the greatest things about dogs is that they don't care if you're ugly or fat or poor they will love you no matter what.

        Sometimes I will see blind people, or people with a disability walking and having a dog lead them, that's because dogs are really dependable, they have saved millions of lives. Even now they are still used for hunting, by police officers, and by disabled people all over the world. While cats are normally used as house pets, occasionally used on farms to catch mice.

         Dogs are also one of the most entertaining animals too; they can compete in many different competitions like the dog show, the agility competition, the disc competition and   the talent show for dogs. In the dog shows different breeds of dogs from all around the country come and try and see who has the best dog for its breed. While the dog show is all about the dog’s looks and health the agility and disc competition is based off the athleticism of the dog along with the teamwork of its owner. Talent shows are just people showing off their dogs, and any talents that they might poses.  I've never seen a competition or talent show for cats.

        Dogs are clearly better than cats. They are the best pet to have because they are so loving, compatible, and are truly man’s best friend.

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