
Friday, December 16, 2011

Writing Circle Pieces for week of 12/12/11

Authors Note- The writing piece is a letter that says what I think one of the characters really wants to say to another character.
Dear Jacob,
I just wanted to let you know that I am on your side. Edward has done nothing but hurt Bella over and over again. It might be hard to change her mind, but I bet it means a lot to her that you are still friends with her. You and Bella have a special connection that Edward will never understand, and I can see into the future and you and Bella will be friends for many more years! I hope we stay in touch!


Dear Shane,
I have been watching you this year, and am proud to say that you are on my good list! I will see what the elves and I can do  about the walkie talkies! Keep up the good work!Merry Christmas!


Dear Rowan,
You deserved all the food, because you have been a very good boy this year. Keep up the good work! Merry Christmas!

Dear Jack,
You are welcome. This year you have been a very good boy and are on my nice list! You should be proud of yourself and how good you have been this year!Merry Christmas!


Dear Olivia,
The elves and I have been watching you and are proud to say that you are on my good list! I will see what I can do about the gifts you want! I am proud of you and keep up the good work! Merry Christmas!


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