
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Social Studies Essay

 Autors Note- When I was writing this essay I had a little bit of trouble keeping the body
paragraphs going, and making sence,but I finally got it towards the end of my essay.

From the chilling mountain peaks of Mount McKinley to the rushing waters of the Yukon River, the state of Alaska is filled with lots of different kinds of wildlife, and natural resources. Oil is one of the most needed resources for many countries, but is only found in certain places. Right now the United States are desperate for oil, and have found a place in Alaska where they can drill. This place is called the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, it is home to many different species of animals. Having all of this wildlife, with the cost, and the fact that this oil will only last abut 6 months the United States should not drill for oil here.

Even though the United States shouldn't drill for oil they should take the time to learn about the different kinds of species living in this region. There are 45 different mammal species, some even being endangered like the lynx, mountain goat, caribou and many others.(1) They depend on this area as part of their homes, and need it to survive.  If we started to drill we wouldn't be able to control what would happen to the environment. If there was another leak like in the Golf of Mexico in 2010,or in Kern County California in 1910, the environment in this area would be ruined and may never be replaced.(2)

While some of the wildlife around the oil spills will never be replaced, a lot of the gas prices are being replaced every day. About 20 years ago the average cost of gas was one dollar and sixteen cents per gallon, where as today the cost of gasoline has increased to three dollars and 98 cents per gallon.(5)(6) The raising gas prices aren't helping the United State's economy, they are only causing more panic and confusion. With the growing debt America is in, it would be wrong to decide to drill right now, especially since the oil in ANWR would only last about 6 months.

With the oil in Alaska only being able to last us about six months, and the United States consumption rates up to about 25 million barrels of oil per day it would be a total waste to drill at this point. (4)Even if we did decide to drill, the United States using around 25% of the world's oil we would be even more desperate after drilling Alaska.  We would then have to reach out to foreign countries which would cost a lot of money, making our country farther in debt. Alaska's oil should be saved for  an absolute emergency.

Unless there was an absolute emergency, our country could try and use less oil. We can carpool or buy cars that use up the least amount of gas. Any little thing would help. However the biggest decision that we can make is to not drill in Alaska. There is too much danger for the wildlife, plus it would have a huge cost affect on our country, and there is only a limited supply of oil. Also, many people think that Alaska should stay the way it is, one of the most beautiful and natural places in the world.

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