
Friday, April 20, 2012

District Writing Assessment

In a world filled with poverty and melancholy you never know when you’re going to have enough food to eat, water to drink, or family to love. This kind of world exists in the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The main character, Katniss, is forced to provide the food and care for her family at age sixteen. All of these problems are a result of the government that she lives under being malicious, callous, and self-conceited. They give no respect to the citizens that work loyally under them.

Even though many citizens work loyally, the government at the capitol deliberately looks to harm them. Every year one boy and girl from each of the twelve districts that are between the ages of twelve and eighteen are chosen to battle in a competition that is called The Hunger Games. Twenty four people will enter the competition, but only one will come out alive, this competition is a fight to the death until there is one victor.  Authorities at the capitol find this battle incredibly entertaining, and satisfying. If I lived in this city I would feel terrified and insecure my whole life, never knowing if I was about to lose one of my family members, or lose my own life to such a deadly game.

Although a lot of people worry about getting chosen to participate in The Hunger Games some people have more important problems to deal with like preventing starvation, homelessness, and keeping family members safe. In the book, Katniss explains thoroughly the struggles she has to go through living in such a poor district. The government doesn’t care that you don’t have a home to live in or food to eat; they don’t offer any services or care. I can’t imagine everyday not knowing if my stomach is going to be filled, or if I’m going to have somewhere to come home to.

While a lot of innocent citizens are thinking about how they’re going to get dinner on the table, the leaders of the government are thinking about nothing other than themselves. I never thought that people could be as proud of themselves as the leaders of this city. They spoil themselves with incredible amounts of food, expensive cars, and houses while their citizens are homeless and starving to death. Living under these government officials would be torture, once it got so bad that the citizens tried to rebel once, and failed. However if all the districts teamed up I think they could defeat their unjust leaders. 

Defeating the government is an idea that could save a lot of lives, but it could also cost a lot of people their own lives. If I was a citizen living in this city, losing my life would be worth taking down the malicious, callous, and self-conceited government that has caused an overwhelming amount of pain to innocent people. Successfully defeating the capitol would cause great changes like always knowing that there is going to be food on the table, never having a doubt that you are going to have a roof over your head, and being sure that you’re going to have family to love. The citizens living in this city deserve to forget the tragic events, and gruesome memories that fill their past.   

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