
Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriot's Penn Essay

Dear Founding Fathers,

You created this magnificent country through hard work and determination making it very successful. Although a lot has changed since the time you were alive, the United States of America has stayed united and prideful throughout the ups and downs it’s gone through. There are a couple incidents that occurred that I would like to inform you about, where our love for our country couldn’t have been more evident. 9/11, the Vietnam War, and the Great Depression are just some of  our country’s low points where patriotism was shown. If it weren’t for the respect and fortitude of America’s citizens we may not have gotten through these disasters.

Even though respect and fortitude were shown following the events of 9/11, the motive was created through hate on our country. On September 11, 2001 a terrorist attack took place when three hijacked airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. Nearly three thousand innocent people died that day, and over one trillion dollars has been lost trying to repair our country. In return to the terrorism, the United States transported over ten thousand soldiers, to Iraq,  who wanted to fight for their country. For over 10 years America has continued to fight back against the Iraquian people for the three thousand innocent lives that were stolen on 9/11.

Although an overwhelming number of people lost their lives on September 11th, more than ten times that number of people lost their lives during the Vietnam War. This war was one of the most deadly wars, the United States of America had ever faced. Over fifty million American soldiers lost their lives defending their country. However, using America’s most courageous soldiers  who fought as hard as they could for twenty long and depressing years, the United States was victorious.

 Since the Vietnam War lasted twenty years it’s hard to imagine something seeming never-ending, but for the citizens of America, the Great Depression seemed to go on forever. During the Great Depression a lot of people were out of jobs, and America’s economy was  moving  rapidly downhill. Some Americans thought we would never make it through that gruesome time, but through patience and persistence our economy slowly started to heal.

Even though America successfully recovered from the Great Depression, we will face many more obstacles as a country, and we need the same patriotism and respect for America that helped us through incidents like 9/11, the Vietnam War, and the Great Depression. Our country, the country you created and founded has turned out to be for the most part, very successful, so from the bottom of my heart and the hearts of many Americans  thank you for all you did for this country.


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