
Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Outsiders (Cause/Effect)

Authors Note: This piece is about the cause and effect that happens in the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. It talks about what would've happened if the main event hadn't happened and what caused it. 

When the tension between the two gangs in the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, finally boiled over, it left three people dead and many people scarred for life. The turning point occurred when two of the main characters from one of the gangs, The Greasers, are involved in the murder of someone from the opposite gang, The Socs.  Although it was self defense, the boys, Ponyboy and Johnny, leave town to avoid getting caught by the police. There are many separate events that led up to this murder, the main reasons however, just has to do with Ponyboy and Johnny being a part of the Greasers.If they  hadn't constantly been around such bad influences, and situations, this could've been avoided.. 

This event also could've been avoided, if the Greasers and Socs had put an end to their fighting. They both knew their constant bickering would someday lead to something more, but didn't want to be the ones to surrender. If this event didn't happen, Ponyboy and his brother, Darry, would still be fighting and Johnny would still be getting abused by his parents. Greasers would still be getting beat up by Socs, but this event did happen making three people dead, and many more people left with troubled memories that will stick with them forever.  

1 comment:

  1. I like how you listed and organized the cause and effects.
