
Friday, November 30, 2012

Prediction Essay

Authors note: This piece is a prediction essay based on the book The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I put my reasons for thinking the main characters in this book will end up staying together. 

Picture yourself loving someone with an burning passion, but not being able to be with them. Your brain is saying no, it's too risky but your heart is saying yes because you love them with all your heart. You are filled with sorrow and desperation as you yearn to be with this one person, and as hard as you try, this person never leaves your mind. This situation is similar to what happens in the book The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, where two people who are clearly perfect for each other, are forced to overcome many obstacles if they want to be together. In the end, I predict that Noah and Allie, the two main characters, will end up together after all. 

One reason I believe Noah and Allie will end up together has to do with their thoughts and feelings. Throughout the book, they express their feelings through letters, one letter written by Noah to Allie quotes “You are, and always have been, my dream.” There are also quotes by Allie that show she feels the same way. "Me being with you has made me the luckiest woman alive." Through these quotes and messages you can feel their deep devotion for each other. Other quotes like "I have never loved anyone like I've loved you." were distributed by both Allie and Noah during the book, which basically says that they both know they are meant to be. 

Noah and Allie aren't the only Nicholas Sparks characters that were meant to be together. In A Walk to Remember, and The Lucky One  two characters that seem as if they will never come together, show that true love can defeat any obstacle and they end up living happily ever after. Also, in all three of these stories Nicholas Sparks forces the characters to deal with disapproving family members and close friends. In A Walk to Remember, the couple that this story focuses on, has a father who's very unhappy with this relationship. In The Lucky One, a controlling ex-husband is what almost tears these main characters love apart. Since these books are written by the same author, and are each forced to deal with similar issues with family and friends, they lead me to believe Noah and Allie will finally break free of Allie's uptight parents, and live happily ever after. 

There are many reasons that I predict that Noah and Allie will spend the rest of their lives together. I could feel how much they loved each other through the quotes and words exchanged between them, along with their ability to stay together even though Allie's parents didn't approve of their relationship. Also, evidence from other books from Nicholas Sparks lead me to believe that they will end up getting married and spending the rest of their lives together. They truly love each other with that burning passion that is only meant for the person you are destined to be with, and hopefully in the end, Noah and Allie will live happily ever after.  

My Ending to the Story:

The second Allie closed the door her daughter was in her face, questioning her. 
"What did you think of him?" Not knowing what to say she quickly replied "He seems nice." her daughter knew her too well and didn't buy her response. 
"Why don't you like him?" her daughter added. Allie really wanted to just blurt it out and say "it's not that I don't like him, I just think you can do better." but then it hit her. A sudden rush of memories that brought her back to when she was her daughters age. She remembered meeting the love of her life, and being so excited to introduce him to her parents. However, once they met, she could tell by the looks on her parents faces that they didn't approve of him. Memories of her parents and her fighting back and forth also came to mind. She had known even then that Noah was the person that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, and it had crushed her knowing that her parents didn't feel the same way. If it had not been for true love, her and Noah wouldn't have ended up together.
Returning to reality, she saw that look of desperation for her approval in her daughters eyes, a look that was too familiar. "You're just going to have to have him over more often so I get to know him." Allie finally replied. Seeing the satisfied look on her daughter's face, Allie felt relieved. And as her daughter ran off to talk to call her new boyfriend, Allie watched her daughter fall in love like she had, many years ago.  

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