
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

True Love Never Dies

Authors Note- This essay is about the theme "true love never dies" and how it is distributed in many different Nicholas Sparks books. I put quotes and examples into this essay that I got from the books A Walk to Remember, Dear John, and The Notebook. 

Think about true love, about the happiness,the excitement, and everything else that comes with it. Most of all, think about that feeling you get when you genuinely love someone with all your heart. When they're away you feel an emptiness but everything feels right when you are with them. Your world seems to  stop when they enter a room, or when your eyes meet theirs. It is a feeling that never, ever dies. In the book A Walk to Remember  by Nicholas Sparks, a main theme incorporated into this book, along with many other Nicholas Sparks books, is that true love never dies. 

Although Nicholas Sparks focuses on a theme about true love lasting forever in many books, in A Walk to Remember it couldn't have been more evident. In this book, Landon and Jamie's relationship seemingly gets torn apart when Jamie dies from terminal cancer. However, Landon proves that their love was truly undying by never taking off his wedding ring or dating any other girls, even long after Jamie had been gone. He also demonstrates through quotes like "Why would I think about seeing anyone else, Jamie is the only girl I've ever loved, and the only girl I will ever love " that their love will never change. 

Similar to Jamie and Landon's love, Noah and Allie, the two main characters in The Notebook, also have a special kind of love that will never fade. Even after they've been separated for many years and Allie was already engaged to another man, the moment they see each other they were instantly taken back to the love they shared because it never left. Their love is forever which is also proven when Allie gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's and doesn't even remember who Noah is. Everyday Noah battles through the arthritis and broken heart he suffers with, just to read to Allie the story of how they met. He does this to prove to everyone that the love Allie and him shared lasts forever and will not be beat by a terrible disease. 

Even though in Dear John, another novel by Nicholas Sparks, the two lovebirds John and Savannah don't have to deal with a horrible disease like in The Notebook, their undying love is put to the test when John is sent to war and Savannah gets married to another man. However, part of the reason Savannah married was to attempt to cover the hole in her heart that John left when he went to war, and she knows that she will always love John more than anyone else because their love will never disappear. She expresses this through quotes and letters that were exchanged between her and John. Quotes like "“I love you, not just for now, but for always, and I dream of the day that you’ll take me in your arms again.” describe how deep down she knows her feelings for him will last forever. 

The love that John and Savannah shared that will last forever isn't rare in Nicholas Sparks books. In A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, and Dear John, undying love that lasts forever, is distributed in all of these novels as a major theme or topic. Even though they all have different stories and obstacles that prove their never ending love is for real, all of the characters in these books share similar feelings. These feelings include happiness, excitement, and many others that will not cease because true love never, ever dies.  


  1. I really like the title. It goes nice with the piece. You have nice word choice as well.

    1. I agree with you Patrick and there was good sentence fluency.
