
Monday, January 14, 2013

Life on the Run

Authors Note: This piece is about the cause and effect that happens in the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. It talks about what would've happened if the main event hadn't happened and what caused it. 

     Picture yourself living life on the run. You're never able to stay in one place for long, and you never know who you can trust. You have to be careful with your every move, and try to not draw attention to yourself. This is the life of teenagers Ponyboy and Johnny in the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Although their lives weren't always like this, after they are involved in a murder they are left with no other option but to run. To make their situation even worse, the police are already suspicious of them because they are a part of a gang that's filled with druggies and jailbirds. Knowing that if they got caught they would be sent to jail, Ponyboy and Johnny decide to leave town, fully aware of the fact that their lives have changed, and will never be the same. 

     Ponyboy and Johnny didn't only figure out their lives had changed, but also learned that the main cause for this change was because of their rivalry with the other gang, the Socs. Occasionally, someone from one gang would beat up someone from the opposing gang. However, both gangs knew that one day their bickering would turn into something more. As predicted, their fighting escalated leaving one of The Socs dead and Ponyboy and Johnny running from the police. If the Socs and Greasers hadn't been rivals, no one would've had to have gotten hurt, and Ponyboy and Johnny could've continued living their lives normally. 

    As much as they wish the two gangs would get along, Ponyboy and Johnny realized they couldn't undo anything and had to learn to deal with the result of their actions. Keeping their head low and not trusting anyone was how they went about living, until a burning church robs Johnny and one of their fellow Greasers, Dally, of their lives. This event crushed Ponyboy, and many of the other Greaser's worlds. If the Socs hadn't attacked Ponyboy and Johnny that night, they would've never been on the run, or by the burning church, and Johnny and Dally would still be alive. 

   Similar to the effect in The Outsiders, many people lost their lives as a result to the main climax in the bookTwilight by Stephanie Meyer. In this book the main character, Bella, falls in love with a vampire, Edward, and soon becomes a target for other vampire's meals. These other vampires were enemies with Edward and his family, similar to the Greasers and the Socs. That rivalry lead up to the moment of change which leaves Bella brutally injured and vampires that lose their lives, which is alike to the ending of The Outsiders when Johnny and Dally lose their lives.  

    Close to the effect to the climax in Twilight people die as a result of the main change in The Outsiders too. If the Socs and the Greasers had never been enemies there would be a much different outcome for both gangs. They would both be living their normal lives, and wouldn't have to attend their dead friend's funerals. However, the Socs and Greasers are enemies which lead to an unfortunate conclusion where three people died and many more with their lives changed forever. 

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