
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We Are Never Getting Back Together

Author's Note- This writing piece talks about the point of view in the song We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift. It focuses on how the song comes from the girlfriends point of view. I also have a scene that describes the boyfriend's point of view.

     Picture yourself having strong feelings for someone, but having that person treat you horribly. There are multiple fights between you two per week and you find yourself apologizing for something that was their fault. This scenario is described in the song "We Are Never Getting Back Together" by Taylor Swift. In her song, she leads you to believe that the boyfriend in the story was in the wrong, and is the reason that they broke up. However, the actual situation could've been very different, but since this song is coming from the girlfriend's point of view, it makes her sound sensible while the boyfriend sound like a jerk. 

     One of the many signs that lead the listener to believe the boyfriend was the terrible person comes from different lyrics heard throughout the song. One of the verses that says " Then you come around again and say baby I miss you and I swear I'm going to change, trust me" forces the listener to think the boyfriend screwed something up and is saying if you give me another chance, I'll change and never do that again. However in reality she could be the one who messed up, but she manipulates him into thinking it's his fault and therefore he apologizes for it. Another verse in the song that can be misleading says "I'm really gonna miss you picking fights." That quote leads the listener to think the boyfriend made a big deal out of what seemed to the girlfriend like nothing, and it also sounds like they fought often, making both of them unhappy. 

     Throughout the song you can hear different verses from the girlfriend, describing how her partner made her life complicated, and how he wasn't a good guy. If the song were to have been written from the boyfriend's point of view, you would probably hear about how the girlfriend was a major flirt, who was defensive and sometimes mean. If that were the case, the listener would feel sympathy for the boyfriend who had to deal with an demanding, manipulative girlfriend. 

     Even though you would feel sorry for the boyfriend if the song was written in his point of view, it is written from the girlfriend's perspective. Therefore, you are lead to believe that she was the innocent little girl who got caught up in a bad relationship. You can sense the frustration through the verses and specific quotes that can be heard throughout the song coming from the girlfriend. Although the girlfriend could be wrong in this situation, all that matters is that the relationship where she felt unimportant in is over.  

Boyfriend's Point of View:

As I opened my phone to read the text, another one came in, followed one after that and soon I had four new messages, all from her. Although I hoped they were a sorrowful apology stating how sorry she was, I knew that wasn't the case. Even though she cheated on me, she would find a way to make me feel bad and eventually I would be the one to apologize. After all, that had been the case the four other times I have caught her fooling around with one of my friends, and every time she manipulated me into apologizing for being overprotective or for overreacting. This situation isn't much different, the newest messages from her said " Calm down. We didn't do anything. You're overreacting like you always do, and you're picking fights just like you always do. You said you were going to try to change, but your just the same overprotective boyfriend as before." Anger raged throughout my entire body, and as I slammed down on the screen of my phone I typed " If I'm too overprotective for you then fine. You don't have to deal with me anymore, were over" almost immediately she responded with " And what will be your explanation when you finally realize how stupid you're being and call me, begging for me to take you back?" Through clenched teeth I typed slowly on my phone "That won't happen. We are never getting back together." And as I hit the send button, I knew I would not be taking her back.  


  1. I think I deserve a 10 because I added a scene coming from the other persons point of view. I also added specific examples from the song that supports my comparison and how it affects the interpretation made by the person listening to the song.

  2. This piece is delightful! Nicely done Shelby!
