
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Creative Writing Piece

With my heart pounding rapidly, and sweat already forming on my forehead, I step up to the white line. My whole body stiffens up and just when I think the butterflies in my stomach couldn't get worse, the official shouts "Runner's take your mark!" and I nearly have a heart attack. Images of myself not making the jump over the hurdle and landing flat on my face float into my mind, and I begin to panic. Why was I so stupid? Out of all the events in track why did I have to choose the hurdles? There are plenty of other fun events that I could've done that don't cause this much stress. All of these thoughts race through my mind but soon my thoughts are interrupted by the official's voice "Set!" Even though I know what's coming next, it still makes me jump once I hear the gunshot. However, my brain starts communicating with my legs and the race begins. I am off to a great start, and make if over the first hurdle, and as the number of hurdles increases so does my confidence. Instead of picturing myself falling and making a fool of myself, I now see me at the end of the finish line receiving congratulations from my coaches. Returning back to reality I realize what is about to happen even before I make my jump over the sixth hurdle. I took an extra step and was too close to the hurdle. My trailer leg gets caught and I am sent flying towards the ground, and as I open my eyes I realize that my nightmare had come true. 

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