
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Life after Death

  Author's Note- In this writing piece I talk about when I read the book 90 minutes in heaven, and what i thought about the authors experience in heaven. 

          “In an instant, I was no longer on Earth or any place like it; I was in a whole other dimension full of happiness and love.” Don Piper the author of 90 Minutes in Heaven wrote about his experience when he died and journeyed into the afterlife, along with the gruesome recovery coming back from it. He really expresses to the reader the true beauty, love and astonishment of heaven.
         The last thing that Don Piper saw before he died were the defying  headlights of a semi, followed by immense beauty full of colors, lights, and sounds he had never seen or heard before. He was so distracted by the new sensations, that he didn’t notice the people gliding toward him. When I was reading this, I assumed that the people were his relatives coming to greet him. As they got closer he recognized some of them as his family but most of them were random strangers that were just as happy to see him. I was able to picture in my head what heaven really looked like because Don used vivid words to describe how loved he felt.

          While Don was feeling loved, he was also feeling an overwhelming happiness. Not once did he stop and think about the crisis that he was in, or that he was never going to see his kids or wife again. All that crossed his mind was how joyful he felt to be in heaven. However all of a sudden it was all gone, the colors, the sounds, and the love had disappeared.

          All of the colors, sounds, and love had disappeared, but his pain kept growing and growing. Don woke up on a gurney in an ambulance. As he looked down all he could  see was blood gushing out of him from all over his body. Still in shock the pain was only mild but as they approached the hospital he realized how much pain he was really in. Full of sadness Don didn’t want to be alive anymore, he wanted to go back to heaven, to be pain free and happy.

          The pain and unhappiness that Don felt would last a long 2 years, in those two years he didn’t tell anyone about his experience in heaven. Reading 90 Minutes in Heaven let me have a glimpse into the authors fascinating story, about the astonishment, beauty, and love that was expressed by the author when he tells his story about the day he died.


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